New Decals on Fallowfield Rd. Pathway Installed to Increase Rail Crossing Safety

The City of Ottawa has partnered with Operation Lifesaver Canada to place new “Look, Listen, Live” decal signs on the path along Fallowfield Road near the Fallowfield rail crossing and the transitway.

The decals are part of a broader initiative to enhance safety and awareness at rail crossings, a response to a tragic history that has deeply affected the community.

The decals were installed Sept. 25, which was Rail Safety Week in Canada.

For the past 11 years, safety at rail crossings has been a huge issue in Barrhaven. On September 18, 2013, an OC Transpo bus collided with a Via Rail train at the Fallowfield crossing. The collision resulted in the deaths of six people, including the bus driver, and left many others injured. This incident was a stark reminder of the dangers posed by rail crossings, especially in busy suburban areas.

In the aftermath of the 2013 tragedy, several safety recommendations were made. One of the key suggestions was the grade separation of the crossing, which would involve constructing an overpass or underpass to eliminate the intersection of road and rail traffic. However, this project has faced significant delays and is expected to take years and cost over $500 million.

The new decals along the pathway are less than a kilometre from where the 2013 tragedy occurred. They are designed to catch the attention of pedestrians and cyclists, reminding them to stay alert and cautious when approaching the rail crossing. These decals are part of a broader effort to reduce the risk of accidents at rail crossings, which account for approximately 60 per cent of public crossing accidents in Canada.

“I think they are a good idea,” commented Chen Li, who lives in the area and uses the pathway both as a cyclist and a pedestrian. “We always hear about motorists being distracted, but people are always looking at their phones on the path and not paying attention. If they have ear buds in and are listening to music, they cannot hear anything like a car or even a bicycle. If the decals can prevent one accident or save one life, we should have more of them in Barrhaven at more crossings.”

The decals feature clear, bold messages in both French and English, and symbols that are easy to understand, even at a glance. They serve as a constant reminder of the importance of rail safety and the need to remain vigilant. While these measures may seem small, they are a crucial part of a larger strategy to prevent future tragedies and ensure the safety of everyone in the community.

As Barrhaven continues to grow and develop, the hope is that these safety measures, along with the eventual grade separation project, will create a safer environment for all residents. The memory of the 2013 tragedy remains a powerful motivator for ongoing efforts to improve rail crossing safety and prevent such a devastating event from happening again.

Featured Image: New decals on the Fallowfield Road pathway are designed to increase safety near the rail crossing.